This little girl was soooo pretty! She was perfect for this dress!
As a veteran nanny and auntie I have seen the behavioral gamut, so I do not say this lightly... THESE KIDS WERE SO WELL BEHAVED! I mean, there was not so much as a fidget out of any of these children! One day, when I have children, I plan on hunting down all these mothers and making them tell me their secrets!
These three girls were adorable and did such a great job!
I got a big kick out of the next pic... you see.. this was a luncheon for grown ups.. so the food was for grown ups. So the servers walked by with some soup which I think had broccoli in it, and the small ones were having none of it! Hilarious!
Here is a precious girl who picked out such a cute outfit to wear! Isn't she pretty?
The kids had to wait for a few minutes... they were so good!
There were alot of really cute moments.. like this one! She's just taking a peek at her audience!
Then there might have been a few nerves...
I know I've said it a thousand times, but these children were amazing! Look at how sweetly they sat and posed for pictures...
This little guy was so handsome in his red sweater!
Then it was time to get in line! Don't they all look great??
Then they took the runway!!
Here are few more shots from the day...
The Gorgeous Miss Harrison...
These two are just so beautiful!
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